It is becoming more common for people on social media to become the victim of a blackmail scheme. A perpetrator may threaten to post something damaging about the victim. They may request money from the victim in order to agree to not publicly humiliate the victim. Blackmail help involves notifying the proper authorities and having the criminal offense investigated.
The Initial Steps
If you haven't fallen victim to an online perpetrator before, you should become equipped with the knowledge to stop this type of behavior. An online blackmail scheme can occur at any time. A perpetrator may take intimate pictures or video recordings of a victim without the victim knowing. Next, they may create a fictitious Facebook account. Through this account, they will attempt to make contact with the victim.
Some criminal activities involve several perpetrators. Each one may use a fake profile and name in an attempt to conceal their identity. It is always best to avoid messaging anyone who you are not familiar with. If you are contacted by someone on numerous occasions, however, you should report the suspicious behavior through the social media app. Reporting the behavior could result in the perpetrator's profile being investigated and/or deleted.
A Company That Provides Support
Some third-party companies provide blackmail support. This type of company will provide an initial consultation. The consultation will involve you relaying information about the perpetrator. Copies of the messages that you have received should be furnished to the person who is overseeing your case. All of the information that you provide will be kept in confidence.
A security team member will use a series of online tools to track the person who sent you the messages. The internet protocol (IP) address that the messages were sent from will be identified. A security team member may work with the social media platform's fraud department to compile information that will aid with prosecuting the person who has committed blackmail. During an active investigation, it is essential that you do not feed into the blackmail scheme.
If the person who has committed the crime winds up posting sensitive information about you, all efforts will be made to remove the picture or video that was posted. The person who committed the crime will be looked for and may eventually face serious criminal charges. The charges may require that the perpetrator attends a court hearing. The individual may be permanently banned from social media and may be sentenced to jail or required to pay a fine.
Contact a company that offers services like Facebook blackmail help to learn more.